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Obsidian Page Gallery

Generates a gallery view of selected pages based on images found in them.

Warning: This plugin is in development and should be considered unstable! Always make a backup of your vault before testing out a new plugin.


Depends on obsidian-dataview to list pages and page metadata.


Create a code block with type page-gallery:

# Any options given at the root level of the configuration
# will be used as defaults for all views (but can be overridden
# in any individual view).
fields: []
columns: 3
orientation: landscape

# If you don't include an explicit `views` option (which needs
# to be an array), then page-gallery will just use all the root
# level options as a single unnamed view.
  - name: Yosemite
    from: '"Images" AND #yosemite'
  - name: Yellowstone
    from: '"Images" AND #yellowstone'
    columns: 4
    orientation: portrait

Example of the page-gallery plugin in use

Photos from Unsplash and Pixabay


Options in the page-gallery block are parsed using YAML.

Option Type Default Description
title string null An optional title for the page gallery.
filter boolean true Whether or not to show the filter bar.
count boolean true Whether to show view and group counts.
debug boolean false Whether or not to display debug information. Useful primarily for development.
views ViewConfig[] [] A list of individual view configuration blocks (see below).

View Settings

A page gallery consists of a list of views (or tabs), each with its own view settings. Valid view settings are listed below. Any of this view settings can be set in the root of the configuration as well, in which case they act as defaults for all defined views.

If no views are defined, the page gallery will have a single view, based on the values defined in the root configuration.

Option Type Default Description
name string "View #" Optional name or title for the view.
mode "auto","image","content" "auto" Whether to show the first image found in the page ("image"), the rendered markdown content of the page ("content"), or automatically fall back to content only if an image isn't found ("auto").
from string - Query for pages to include in the gallery. Uses the same query syntax as obsidian-dataview.
where string - Additional expression to filter out pages that you want to omit from the gallery.
fields string[] [] List of fields to display in the gallery, under the image. Supports both frontmatter and inline fields.
limit number 100 Limit on the number of pages that will be displayed in the gallery. Set this to null to display all of the pages matched by the from query.
groupBy string - Groups pages by a particular field (or obsidian-dataview expression).
sortBy string[] ['file.path'] One or more fields/expressions to sort the pages by. Prefix with a - sign (e.g. -file.path) to reverse the sort order.
columns number 4 Number of columns to display at full width.
orientation "portrait","landscape","square" "portrait" Whether to display tiles in portrait, landscape, or square mode.

Advanced View Settings

The following settings directly modify the CSS style attributes that are generated for the page gallery in order to allow fine-tuning of image sizes and positioning (overriding the "orientation" and "columns" settings). They should be used with caution, as they will likely conflict or overlap with other applied styles; and may be removed in the future in order to simplify gallery styles and make it easier to keep things working across devices with different screen sizes (requiring you to use custom CSS snippets instead if you want to customize the page gallery styling to this degree).

Option Type Default Description
gutterSize string "0.5em" Size of the gutter between images.
radius string "10px" Radius of the corners of each tile.
width string Calculated from columns. Display width of each image in the gallery. Overrides columns.
height string Calculated from columns and selected orientation. Display height of each image in the gallery.
size string cover How the image should be scaled to fit within the gallery tile. See CSS background-size for available options.
position string center Positioning of each image in the gallery. Try top, center, or bottom (etc) to change what parts of the images are visible. See CSS background-position for available options.
repeat string no-repeat Whether to repeat (i.e. tile) the image in each gallery item. See CSS background-repeat for available options.

Additionally, the size, position, repeat and imageSrc values can be overridden on a specific page via YAML frontmatter:

  size: contain
  position: left
  repeat: repeat-x
  imageSrc: different-image.png

Caution: This will override those settings for any page gallery that the page appears in.