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ruby-libstorj Gem Version Chat on

Ruby library for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network via bindings to libstorj.

Using ruby-libstorj

First, install libstorj

Install gem:

  • using bundler:
    # in your Gemfile
    gem 'ruby-libstorj'
    bundle install
  • using rubygems (gem):
    gem install ruby-libstorj
  • from source:
    git clone && \
    cd ruby-libstorj && \
    rake install
    (see installing for development if you have issues with rake install)


Until more thorough documentation is available, please see the tests:

  • LibStorj (source)
    • LibStorj::Ext::Storj::Mixins (source)
      • .util_timestamp
      • .util_datetime
      • .mnemonic_check
      • .mnemonic_generate
  • LibStorj::Env (source)
    • .new
    • #get_info
    • #get_buckets
    • #create_bucket
    • #delete_bucket
    • #store_file
    • #resolve_file
    • #list_files
    • #delete_file

Developing ruby-libstorj

This project primarily uses the ruby ffi (foreign function interface) gem api to bind to C/C++ libraries and plain old ruby for logic.

If the ffi api becomes insufficient the ruby gem rice has proven extremely useful for doing ruby things in C/C++. Otherwise, you're going to want to read up on ruby's C API

This project strives to conform to the ruby and rubygems standards and conventions. See guide on "Make Your Own Gem" for more.


Install ruby dependencies:

bundle install

Build native extensions:

rake compile

(see rake-compiler)

Build and install gem:

  • with rake:

    # OR
    # rake build
    # rake build[no-test]   # build without requiring tests to pass
    rake install
    # OR
    # rake install[no-test]   # install without requiring tests to pass
  • with gem:

    Maybe you need/want to pass args to gem, or maybe rake install doesn't work in your environment:

    gem build ./ruby-libstorj.gemspec
    gem install --local ./ruby-libstorj-<version>.gem  --no-ri --no-rdoc  


First create spec/helpers/options.yml !

For the moment, the test suite doesn't start it's own mock backend but it does parse whatever's in the spec/helpsers/options.yml file to initialize LibStorj::Ext::Storj::Env to connect via http/https.

You can copy spec/helpers/options.yml.example and modify it for your use:

cp spec/helpers/options.yml.example spec/helpers/options.yml && \
vim spec/helpers/options.yml   # or whatever

Ensure that spec/helpers/options.yml is in the .gitignore so you don't have to worry about accidentally committing it.

A quick note on rspec formatters:

The "progress" formatter is the default. This repo makes it easy to change formatters when invoking rspec via rspec or rake binaries.

With that said, here are your options:

$ rspec --help | less
-f, --format FORMATTER   Choose a formatter.
                         [p]rogress (default - dots)
                         [d]ocumentation (group and example names)
                         custom formatter class name

Test coverage reporting:

This repo uses simplecov to generage test coverage reports on each test run.

When executing tests via rake, a file:// url to the coverage report is printed for easy copy/pasting into a browser; further, if you want to automatically open it (via launchy) you may pass y or yes as the second rake argument to either :spec or :test tasks.

For example usages see "with rake" below.

Running the tests:

  • with rake:

    rake test
    # rake test[<formatter>,<open coverage>]
    # pass <formatter> to rspec as `--format <formatter>` 
    # e.g. (the following are all equivalent):
    # rake test[doc]
    # rake test[d]
    # rake spec[d]
    # open coverage report automatically
    # e.g. (also equivalent; using default formatter):
    # rake test[,yes]
    # rake test[,y]
    # do both
    # rake test[d,y]

    Keep in mind that rake will also run any dependencies of the :test (or :spec) task

    (e.g. start a web server, open coverage report, etc.)

  • with rspec:

    rspec   # cli args can be passed directly to rspec
    # Change the rspec formatter:
    # rspec --format doc  # use the 'document' rspec formatter
    # rspec -f d          # short version
    # Test specific files:
    # rspec spec/ruby-libstorj/env_spec.rb      # single file
    # rspec spec/ruby-libstorj/{env,libstorj}*  # glob of files
    # Test specific examples:
    # rspec spec/ruby-libstorj/env_spec.rb:15   # run test(s) containing line 15

    (see rspec --help | less)


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  • Ruby 97.3%
  • Shell 1.5%
  • Other 1.2%