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Svead 🍺, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags, and data.


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Svead 🍺 - Svelte Head Component

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Tests: E2E

Tests: Unit

Svead, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags.

Also supports JSON-LD for SEO with the SchemaOrg component.



The name was meant to be Svelte + Head, but I like Puru's suggestion of Svelte + Mead

v0.0.4 vs v1

v1 is currently available via pnpm i -D svead@next and will be that way until Svelte 5 comes out of RC phase.

v1 has changed compared to v0.0.4. The main change is that the there's one config object with SeoConfig.

Separated out the SchemaOrg component from the Head component which can be optionally used to add structured data to your web pages.

<script lang="ts">
	import { Head, SchemaOrg } from 'svead';
	import type { SeoConfig, SchemaOrgProps } from 'svead';

	const seo_config: SeoConfig = {
		title: 'Welcome to My Site',
		description: 'This is a simple web page example.',
		url: '',

	const schema_org: SchemaOrgProps['schema'] = {
		'@type': 'WebPage',
		name: 'Welcome to My Site',
		description: 'This is a simple web page example.',
		url: '',

<Head {seo_config} />
<SchemaOrg schema={schema_org} />

<h1>Welcome to My Site</h1>
<p>This is a simple web page example.</p>


It takes the following props:

SeoConfig Props

Property Type Description Required
title string The title of the web page. Yes
description string A description of the web page. Yes
url string The URL of the web page. Yes
website string The website the web page belongs to. No
language string | 'en' The language of the web page. Defaults to 'en'. No
open_graph_image string The URL of an image to use for Open Graph meta tags. No
payment_pointer string A payment pointer for Web Monetization. No
author_name string The name of the author. No
site_name string The name of the site for og:site_name. No
twitter_handle string The Twitter handle of the content creator or site. No
twitter_card_type string The type of Twitter card. Defaults to 'summary_large_image'. No

SchemaOrg Component

The SchemaOrg component allows you to add structured data to your web pages using JSON-LD format. This helps search engines better understand your content and can potentially improve your site's appearance in search results.


<script lang="ts">
	import { SchemaOrg, type SchemaOrgProps } from 'svead';

	const schema_org: SchemaOrgProps['schema'] = {
		'@type': 'BlogPosting',
		headline: 'My First Blog Post',
		description: 'This is an example of a blog post using svead.',
		author: {
			'@type': 'Person',
			name: 'John Doe',
		datePublished: '2023-08-22T10:00:00Z',

<SchemaOrg schema={schema_org} />

SchemaOrgProps Props

Property Type Description Required
schema SchemaOrgType The structured data object following vocabulary. Yes


SchemaOrgType is a union type that includes:

  • Thing: Represents the most generic type of item in
  • WithContext<Thing>: A Thing with an added @context property.

You can use any valid type as defined in the documentation.

Additional Notes:

  • The @context property is automatically added by the component if not provided.
  • You can include multiple schema types by nesting them within the main schema object.
  • Always validate your structured data using tools like Google's Rich Results Test to ensure it's correctly formatted.

Example with Multiple Schema Types

<script lang="ts">
	import { SchemaOrg, type SchemaOrgProps } from 'svead';

	const schema_org: SchemaOrgProps['schema'] = {
		'@type': 'WebPage',
		name: 'My Blog Post',
		description: 'An example blog post with structured data',
		mainEntity: {
			'@type': 'BlogPosting',
			headline: 'My First Blog Post',
			author: {
				'@type': 'Person',
				name: 'John Doe',
			datePublished: '2023-08-22T10:00:00Z',

<SchemaOrg schema={schema_org} />

Packaging for NPM

Scott, this is here for you to remember how to do this πŸ™ƒ

Although I detailed this in Making npm Packages with SvelteKit I think it's best to put it here as I always come to the README and the instructions are never there! πŸ˜…

Publish the project to NPM

# change to package directory
cd packages/svead
# authenticate with npm
npm login
# bump version with npm
npm version 0.0.8
# package with sveltekit
pnpm run package
# publish
npm publish
# push tags to github
git push --tags

Publish @next package

Same procedure except use the --tag flag:

# change to package directory
cd packages/svead
# authenticate with npm
npm login
# bump version with npm
npm version 0.0.13
# package with sveltekit
pnpm run package
# publish with tag
npm publish --tag next
# push tags to github
git push --tags

Move @next package to latest

# authenticate with npm
npm login
# move @next to latest
npm dist-tag add [email protected] latest

pnpm workspaces

To add the svead package to the web workspace:

pnpm add -D svead --filter web

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Scott Spence
Scott Spence

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ’‘ 🚧 ⚠️
Add your contributions

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!