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Testing & deployment

First steps

Before running anything else, make sure to:

  1. Install the dependencies by running:
npm install
  1. Compile the contracts by running (this command creates the necessary typechain files for frontend also):
npx hardhat compile


Smart contracts tests can be executed by running:

npx hardhat test test/LandToken.ts
npx hardhat test test/LandMinter.ts
npx hardhat test test/LandStaker.ts


  1. Create a file called .env inside the smart-contracts repository. Copy everything from the .env.example to .env. Assign the correct value to each variable.

  2. Choose the network where you want to deploy the contracts: hardhat, localhost, mumbai or polygon. Replace <network name> with one of those and run:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network <network name>

LandMinter Contract Walkthrough (how it works)

This is an upgradeable contract and it can be upgraded after deployment.


Whitelisted phase

By activating this phase, only whitelisted addresses will be able to mint. To activate the whitelisting phase, the contract owner needs to call toggleOnlyWhitelisted function. -> this function toggles the onlyWhitelisted boolean, which acts as a trigger for phases (true = whitelisted phase, false = public phase) Whitelisted addresses are those whose boolean is set to true inside the whitelisted mapping -> to set their status to true call function setWhitelistStatus passing in an array of addresses and an array booleans. Each index inside the array of addresses correlates to the same index inside of the boolean array so the same function can also be used to remove addresses from the whitelist. For more info, there is more documentation regarding this, and other, functions down below (search for the name of the function).

Public phase

This is the default phase (onlyWhitelisted boolean is false by default). If the whitelisted phase is active, the contract owner only needs to call toggleOnlyWhitelisted once again to deactivate the whitelisted phase and enter into to the public phase.



Before the minting starts, the contract owner needs to pass pre-defined token ids using addPremiumsIds and addNonPremiumIds functions. These functions need to be called for each size separately, meaning that the owner can pass all the ids for one size at a time. The added token ids are stored in _mintablePremiumIds mapping and availableNonPremiumIds mapping, as well as idToSize mapping for premium tokens. Once the token ids have been added using the functions above, the minting can start.


The mintPremium function takes in an id as an argument and mints it to the user for the appropriate price. This function checks if the wanted token id is available by querying _mintablePremiumIds. If it is, it mints the token id, if it's not it reverts.


The mintNonPremium function takes size as an argument and mints a token with a semi-random token id to the user. This function creates a random index and takes the token id located at that index from the appropriate array of token ids. It then removes that token id from the array.


The acquireWithToken function is used when users want to mint for a discount using partnered tokens and mints a premium Land to the user. By default, this function does not work and will work only if any ERC721 token addresses are added using addTokenDiscount function.

Additional contract functionality


The airdrop function can be used by the contract owner to mint premium token ids for only gas fee. It works the same as mintPremium function, except it's free, and can only be called by the contract owner.


The withdraw function can be used by the contract owner to withdraw all the funds inside the LandMinter smart contract and transfer them to shareholders. Currently, this function transfers 50% of the funds to the space address and the other 50% to the feeRecipient.


The renameLand function can be used to rename a token. Renaming a token is free the first time, and requires the user to pay the renameFee on any additional calls. The function itself only emits an event TokenRenamed which will be used by the backend to actually rename the token.


The _transferFee function automatically transfers fee to the feeRecipient address, when any of the payable functions are called.


The calculatePrice function calculates the price based on the given size, and base parcel price (base price can be premium or regular). It multiplies the base price with the number of parcels that one Land NFT consists of (S = 1, M = 4, ..., D = 600) and also increases the price based on the size premium. The size premiums are premiums that are charged for larger parcel sizes (M size has a 10% premium, L size has a 15%, and the premium goes up to 30% for a district). Both size premiums and land sizes are passed when initializing the contract, and can be additionally changed using appropriate setter functions.


The checkRegularLandAvailability function returns all available non-premium token ids of a certain size, which is passed as an argument. It can be used by the front end to disable the minting button if there aren't any tokens available.

Land (NFT) Contract Walkthrough

This is the actual Land NFT token contract. It has access controls based on a given role.


The mint functions requires the caller of the function to have a MINTER_ROLE. If the caller has that role, this function mints a _tokenId to the given _to address.


The toggleRevealed function toggles the revealed boolean. Can only be called by the LAND_MANAGER role. The revealed boolean controls which tokenURI is shown when calling the tokenURI function (it can either be unrevealedURI or the normal art uri which consists of _baseURI/{tokenId})

tokensOfOwner(address _owner)

Returns an array of tokenIDs owned by the _owner wallet.

Necessary for the frontend to display all the user-owned Land tokens.

LandStaker Contract Walkthrough

LandStaker is an upgradeable contract with staking and unstaking functionalities.

stakeLand(uint256 _tokenId)

Stakes a Land by requiring the user to transfer the Land with the passed tokenId to this contract. If the transfer is successful (the user needs to approve the transaction), the contract updates it's several mappings:

  • staked which shows if a certain tokenID is staked
  • staker which shows the wallet address of the staked tokenID
  • stakedAmount which shows the amount of Land staked by a certain wallet address
  • stakerToTokenIds which shows an array of tokenIDs staked by a certain wallet address
  • _stakedTokenToIndex this is a private mapping which just stores the index of the staked tokenIDs inside stakerToTokenIds mapping (used for the _removeFromMapping private function)

Lastly, this function emits an event Staked which is required for the backend to calculate the EXP correctly.

unstakeLand(uint256 _tokenId)

Unstakes a Land by transfering the passed tokenID back to the staker. Also updates the several mappings named above.

Emits an event Unstaked which is required for the backend to calculate the EXP correctly.

getStakedTokens(address _staker)

Returns an array of tokenIDs staked by the _staker.

Necessary, for the frontend to display the staked tokenIDs of the user's wallet.

Solidity API



constructor(string _name, string _symbol, string baseURI_, string _unrevealedURI) public

Initializes the Land contract

Name Type Description
_name string Token name
_symbol string Token symbol
baseURI_ string Base URI
_unrevealedURI string If the URI has not yet been revealed, the tokenURI function will return this URI


function mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external

Mints a Land NFT to the user.

Name Type Description
_to address Address of the wallet which will receive the minted token
_tokenId uint256 Id of the token to be minted


function exists(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool)

Returns if a token with _tokenId exists

Name Type Description
_tokenId uint256 Id of the token whose existence is checked


function setBaseURI(string baseURI_) external

Sets the baseURI for the Land token

Name Type Description
baseURI_ string New baseURI of the Land token


function setUnrevealedURI(string _unrevealedURI) external

Sets the unrevealedURI for the Land token

Name Type Description
_unrevealedURI string New unrevealedURI of the Land token (shows when the bool revealed is false)


function setMinterAddress(address _minterContract) external

Sets the Land Minter Contract address, and gives it the MINTER_ROLE

Name Type Description
_minterContract address Address of the minter contract


function toggleRevealed() external

If the revealed boolean is false, the tokenURI function returns unrevealedURI, otherwise it returns the concatenated baseURI and ${tokenID}

Toggles the revealed boolean which decides the which uri is going to be returned by the tokenURI function


function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) public view virtual returns (string)

If the revealed boolean is false, this function returns unrevealedURI, otherwise it returns the concatenated baseURI and ${tokenID}


function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool)


function _baseURI() internal view returns (string)

Base URI for computing {tokenURI}. If set, the resulting URI for each token will be the concatenation of the baseURI and the tokenId. Empty by default, can be overridden in child contracts.


function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external



function initialize(uint256 _fee, uint256 _renameFee, uint256 _basePremiumPrice, uint256 _baseRegularPrice, address _feeRecipient, address _landToken, uint256[] sizePremiums_, uint256[] landSizes_) external

Initializes the contract, can only be called once

Name Type Description
_fee uint256 Minting fee
_renameFee uint256 Rename fee
_basePremiumPrice uint256 Base price for a premium Land NFT
_baseRegularPrice uint256 Base price for a regular Land NFT
_feeRecipient address Wallet address of the feeRecipient
_landToken address Smart contract address of the Land NFT
sizePremiums_ uint256[] Premiums that increase the price, dependent on size, have to be in order [S, M, L, Z, D]
landSizes_ uint256[] Number of parcels a Land of given size is composed of, have to be in order [S, M, L, Z, D]


function mintPremium(uint256 _tokenId) external payable

Mints a premium Land NFT to the user.

Name Type Description
_tokenId uint256 Token id


function mintNonPremium(enum ILandMinter.Size _size) external payable

Mints a non-premium Land NFT to the user.

Name Type Description
_size enum ILandMinter.Size Land size => enumerated S, M or LH, L


function renameLand(uint256 _tokenId, string _tokenName) external payable

Emits an event which is used to rename the Land token, free only the first time

Name Type Description
_tokenId uint256 Id of the token whose name needs to be changed
_tokenName string The name to which the token will be renamed


function calculatePrice(enum ILandMinter.Size _size, uint256 _basePrice) public view returns (uint256 price)

Calculates the price based on _basePrice, parcel _size, price premium and size multiplier

Name Type Description
_size enum ILandMinter.Size Size of the Land token to be minted
_basePrice uint256 Can be either premiumBasePrice or regularBasePrice


function checkRegularLandAvailability(enum ILandMinter.Size _size) public view returns (uint256[])

Checks availability of regular / non-premium Land

Name Type Description
_size enum ILandMinter.Size Size of Land for which to check availabilty


function airdrop(address[] _accounts, uint256[] _ids) external

Airdrop function callable by LAND_MANAGERs

Name Type Description
_accounts address[] Array of wallet addresses to which the tokens with _ids will be minted to
_ids uint256[] Array of tokenIds which will be minted

Address Whitelist


function setWhitelistStatus(address[] _targets, bool[] _statuses) external

Sets the whitelist status of _address

Name Type Description
_targets address[] Array of addresses which status will be updated
_statuses bool[] Array of boolean variables indicating status for each address


function toggleOnlyWhitelisted() external

Toggles onlyWhitelisted boolean which controls if only the whitelisted addresses are able to mint


function addPremiumIds(enum ILandMinter.Size _size, uint256[] _ids) external

The _ids that are added cannot already be mitned / cannot already exist

Adds more tokenIds to the _mintablePremiumIds mapping and maps the id to size in the idToSize mapping

Name Type Description
_size enum ILandMinter.Size Parcel size to which the _ids belong
_ids uint256[] TokenIds that will become available for minting once this function is called


function addNonPremiumIds(enum ILandMinter.Size _size, uint256[] _ids) external

The _ids that are added cannot already be mint-ed / cannot already exist

Adds more tokenIds to the availableNonPremiumIds mapping

Name Type Description
_size enum ILandMinter.Size Parcel size to which the _ids belong
_ids uint256[] TokenIds that will become available for minting once this function is called


function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external

Transfers the share amount of tokens to each of the shareholders

Name Type Description
_amount uint256 Amount of tokens to be withdrawn (can't be more than the contract's balance)


function _transferFee(uint256 _amount) private

Calculates fee based on _amount and fee and transfers it to feeRecipient.

Token Whitelist


function acquireWithToken(contract IERC721 token, uint256 _ownedTokenId, uint256 _tokenIdToMint) external payable

Acquires an NFT of this contract by proving ownership of the token in tokenId belonging to a contract tokenAddress that has a configured discount. This way cheaper prices can be achieved for LAND holders and potentially other partners. Emits {TokenUsedForDiscount} and requires the user to send the correct amount of eth as well as to own the tokens within tokenIds from tokenAddress, and for tokenAddress to be a configured token for discounts.

Name Type Description
token contract IERC721
_ownedTokenId uint256 the token id which is to be used to get the discount
_tokenIdToMint uint256 the token id which is going to be minted


function tokenDiscounts() external view returns (struct TokenDiscountOutput[])

Returns a list of all current tokens configured for discounts and their configurations.

Name Type Description
[0] struct TokenDiscountOutput[]


function addTokenDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, struct TokenDiscountConfig config) public

Adds an NFT contract and thus all of it's tokens to the discount list. Emits a {TokenDiscountAdded} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract
config struct TokenDiscountConfig the initial configuration as [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]


function setTokenDiscountActive(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, bool active) external

Sets the active status of the token discount of tokenAddress. Fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the configured token address
active bool the new desired activity state


function _getRemoteNameOrEmpty(address remote) internal view returns (string)


function _getRemoteSymbolOrEmpty(address remote) internal view returns (string)


function tokensUsedForDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, uint256 tokenId) external view virtual returns (bool used)

Returns whether the token tokenId of tokenAddress has already been used for a discount. Fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the token contract
tokenId uint256 the id to check
Name Type Description
used bool if the token has already been used


function removeTokenDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress) external

Removes an NFT contract from the discount list. Emits a {TokenDiscountRemoved} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract


function tokenDiscountInfo(contract IERC721 tokenAddress) external view returns (struct TokenDiscountOutput)

Returns the current configuration of the token discount of tokenAddress

Name Type Description
[0] struct TokenDiscountOutput


function updateTokenDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, struct TokenDiscountConfig config) external

Updates an NFT contracts configuration of the discount. Emits a {TokenDiscountUpdated} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract
config struct TokenDiscountConfig the new configuration as [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]


function resetTokenDiscountUsed(contract IERC721 tokenAddress) external

Resets the usage state of all NFTs of the contract at tokenAddress. This allows all token ids to be used again. Emits a {TokenDiscountReset} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract







constructor() internal


struct TokenDiscountConfig {
  uint256 price;
  uint256 supply;
  bool active;


struct TokenDiscountInput {
  contract IERC721 tokenAddress;
  struct TokenDiscountConfig config;


struct TokenDiscountOutput {
  contract IERC721 tokenAddress;
  string name;
  string symbol;
  uint256 usedAmount;
  struct TokenDiscountConfig config;



event SetBaseUri(string baseURI)


event SetUnrevealedUri(string unrevealedURI)


event ToggleRevealed(bool revealed)


function burn(uint256 _id) external


function exists(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool)


function mint(address _to, uint256 _id) external


This interface serves for the extended minting functionality of the Land Artist Contracts. The general functionality is that special prices can be configured for users to mint if they hold other NFTs. Each NFT can only be used once to receive this discount, unless specifically reset.


error NullAddress()


error TokenNotOwned(contract IERC721 token, uint256 tokenIds)


error TokenAlreadyUsed(contract IERC721 token, uint256 tokenId)


error TokenNotConfigured(contract IERC721 token)


error TokenNotActive(contract IERC721 token)


error TokenAlreadyConfigured(contract IERC721 token)


error TokenSupplyExceeded(contract IERC721 token, uint256 supplyCap)


event TokenDiscountAdded(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, struct TokenDiscountConfig config)

Triggers when a token discount is added.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the addres of the added NFT contract for discounts
config struct TokenDiscountConfig a tuple [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active] that represents the configuration for
the discount


event TokenDiscountUpdated(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, struct TokenDiscountConfig config)

Triggers when a token discount is updated.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the addres of the added NFT contract for discounts
config struct TokenDiscountConfig a tuple [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active] that represents the new configuration for
the discount


event TokenDiscountRemoved(contract IERC721 tokenAddress)

Triggers when a token discount is removed.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the addres of the NFT contract


event TokenDiscountReset(contract IERC721 tokenAddress)

Triggers when a token discount is reset - meaning all token usage data is reset and all tokens are marked as unused again.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the addres of the NFT contract


event TokenUsedForDiscount(address sender, contract IERC721 tokenAddress, uint256 tokenId)

Triggers when a token discount is used for a discount and then marked as used

Name Type Description
sender address the user who used the token
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the addres of the NFT contract
tokenId uint256 the id of the NFT used for the discount


function addTokenDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, struct TokenDiscountConfig config) external

Adds an NFT contract and thus all of it's tokens to the discount list. Emits a {TokenDiscountAdded} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract
config struct TokenDiscountConfig the initial configuration as [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]


function removeTokenDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress) external

Removes an NFT contract from the discount list. Emits a {TokenDiscountRemoved} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract


function updateTokenDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, struct TokenDiscountConfig config) external

Updates an NFT contracts configuration of the discount. Emits a {TokenDiscountUpdated} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract
config struct TokenDiscountConfig the new configuration as [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]


function resetTokenDiscountUsed(contract IERC721 tokenAddress) external

Resets the usage state of all NFTs of the contract at tokenAddress. This allows all token ids to be used again. Emits a {TokenDiscountReset} event and fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the NFT contract


function tokenDiscountInfo(contract IERC721 tokenAddress) external view returns (struct TokenDiscountOutput config)

Returns the current configuration of the token discount of tokenAddress

Name Type Description
config struct TokenDiscountOutput the configuration as [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]


function tokenDiscounts() external view returns (struct TokenDiscountOutput[] discounts)

Returns a list of all current tokens configured for discounts and their configurations. Returns a list of all current tokens configured for discounts and their configurations.

Name Type Description
discounts struct TokenDiscountOutput[] the configuration as [IERC721 tokenAddress, [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]]
Name Type Description
--------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
discounts struct TokenDiscountOutput[] the configuration as [IERC721 tokenAddress, [uint256 price, uint256 limit, bool active]]


function acquireWithToken(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, uint256 _ownedTokenId, uint256 _tokenIdToMint) external payable

Acquires an NFT of this contract by proving ownership of the token in tokenId belonging to a contract tokenAddress that has a configured discount. This way cheaper prices can be achieved for LAND holders and potentially other partners. Emits {TokenUsedForDiscount} and requires the user to send the correct amount of eth as well as to own the tokens within tokenIds from tokenAddress, and for tokenAddress to be a configured token for discounts.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the contract which is the reference for tokenIds
_ownedTokenId uint256 the token id which is to be used to get the discount
_tokenIdToMint uint256 the token id which is going to be minted


function setTokenDiscountActive(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, bool active) external
function setTokenDiscountActive(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, bool active) external

Sets the active status of the token discount of tokenAddress. Fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the configured token address
active bool the new desired activity state


function tokensUsedForDiscount(contract IERC721 tokenAddress, uint256 tokenId) external view returns (bool used)

Returns whether the token tokenId of tokenAddress has already been used for a discount. Fails if tokenAddress is the zero address or is not already configured.

Name Type Description
tokenAddress contract IERC721 the address of the token contract
tokenId uint256 the id to check
Name Type Description
used bool if the token has already been used



enum Size {


event SetFee(uint256 fee)


event SetRenameFee(uint256 renameFee)


event SetFeeRecipient(address feeRecipient)


event ToggleRevealed(bool revealed)


event ToggleMinting(bool mintingEnabled)


event ToggleOnlyWhitelisted(bool status)


event Withdraw(address[2] shareholders, uint256 amount)


event LandSizeChanged(enum ILandMinter.Size size, uint256 value)


event SizePremiumChanged(enum ILandMinter.Size size, uint256 value)


event RegularBasePriceChanged(uint256 baseRegularPrice)


event PremiumBasePriceChanged(uint256 basePremiumPrice)


event TokenRenamed(address owner, uint256 tokenId, string tokenName)


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