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An experiment using nanoGPT vs nanoGPT (softmax1) to see how it affects perplexity score

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nanoGPT @ softmax1

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The goal is to run an experiment to see if there is evidence softmax1, also known as "Quiet Attention" can perform better than regular old transformers.

This is a humble experiment, on a fairly small model, so I am not expecting any big conclusions. It would be suprising if I found a solid result to be honest. However this experiemnt (and people's feedback) may convince me or someone else to run bigger experiments.

The experiment

It is good to define what the experiment is before I do it and how I will evaluate the result. This will avoid temptations to change the experiment as I go to "fix" things.

Model Choice

I will use a model that trains fairly quick and cheaply. This is the nanoGPT model. I will use this specific commit so you can reproduce this at home: eba36e84649f3c6d840a93092cb779a260544d08

Data Preparation

I will run the data preparation here:, but instead of Shakespeare I will use text from Reddit. The reason is I want to still have a look at what is produced and judge it by eye and that will be easier in modern everyday English.

This preparation script uses tiktoken encoding from OpenAI, with the gpt2 setting.

The script to obtain the text and the text itself can be found in the folder of this repo.

You can download the text from here (sah256 b5d4fe2899431bed3b9f16c1a4773b5088094c5e7c03e77431affffd869e2d3c), at the moment anyway!

Model Parameters

I will use the as the basis for the parameters, which defines a baby GPT model. I will double the size of the n_embd to 768 since we are now using bigger tokens and not just characters.

I will increase max_iters to 100000 to get more training done on both models. And increase lr_decay_iters to be consistent too.

In summary

Parameter Value Meaning
gradient_accumulation_steps 1 Number of forward passes per iteration to perform
batch_size 64 Number of examples to use to simulataneously train the network
block_size 256 Number of tokens entering the model
n_layer 6 Number of layers of transformer blocks
n_head 6 Number of attention heads
n_embd 768 Size of trained vector representing each token
dropout 0.2 Proportion of randomly selected parameters to not update on each step
learning_rate 1e-3 Control how big the updates are
max_iters 1000000 Number of iterations
decay_lr True whether to decay learning rate
warmup_iters 100 During warm up iterations it ramps up from 0 to min_lr linearly
lr_decay_iters 1000000 After this number of iters, stop cosine decay and stick to min_lr
min_lr 1e-4 Minimum learning rate
beta1 0.9 beta1 for AdamW
beta2 0.99 beta2 for AdamW
bias False do we use bias inside LayerNorm and Linear layers?
grad_clip 1.0 clip gradients at this value
backend nccl torch backend type; nccl is best for gpu
device cuda device to run calculations on
dtype bfloat16 datatype to use in tensors
compile true torch performanc optimization

Code changes to implement softmax1

I have reviewed he following code, taken from, and I will probably use this (subject to license being published).

def softmax_n_shifted_zeros(input: Tensor, n: int) -> Tensor:
    $\text(softmax)_n(x_i) = exp(x_i) / (n + \sum_j exp(x_j))$

    Note: softmax_n, with fixed input, is _not_ shift-symmetric when n != 0, and we must account for this.
    Normally when computing a softmax, the maxes are subtracted from the inputs for numeric stability.
    # compute the maxes along the last dimension
    input_maxes = input.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values
    # shift the input to prevent overflow (and underflow in the denominator)
    shifted_inputs = subtract(input, input_maxes)
    # compute the numerator and softmax_0 denominator using the shifted input
    numerator = exp(shifted_inputs)
    original_denominator = numerator.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
    # we need to shift the zeros in the same way we shifted the inputs
    shifted_zeros = multiply(input_maxes, -1)
    # and then add this contribution to the denominator
    denominator = add(original_denominator, multiply(exp(shifted_zeros), n))
    return divide(numerator, denominator)

Todo: It might be worth figuring out the most efficient backprop for this?

Todo: Describe the changes to the

Execution Environment

I will be using to train and evaluate the model.

The script uses modal to perform the init and training steps on a cloud gpu.


modal token new
modal run
modal run


I won't use perplexity to compare the models as we don't expect it to change. However it will be recorded and might be interesting.

I will use the method here to measure kurtosis:

for name, param in model.named_parameters():
    mean =
    diffs = - mean
    var = torch.mean(torch.pow(diffs, 2.0))
    std = torch.pow(var, 0.5)
    zscores = diffs / std
    skews = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 3.0))
    kurtosis = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 4.0)) - 3.0

I will then, time permitting, see what compressability looks like, i.e. what if we quantize the model?


An experiment using nanoGPT vs nanoGPT (softmax1) to see how it affects perplexity score






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