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Dann edited this page Nov 5, 2020 · 1 revision

ScholarSphere uses hashicorp's vault tool to store sensitive information, on app startup, the deployment picks up values from the vault, and injects them into the containers environment.

Related: Vault client setup ( )

Getting environments secrets

vault kv get secret/app/scholarsphere/prod 

Getting a field from a secret. this is useful for pipe lining

vault kv get -field=DATACITE_ENDPOINT secret/app/scholarsphere/prod

vault kv get -field=DATACITE_ENDPOINT secret/app/scholarsphere/prod | pbcopy 

Adding a new secret

vault kv patch secret/app/scholarsphere/prod FOO=bar

after adding a secret, you'll need to rollout any deployments that need it

kubectl rollout restart deployment/scholarsphere
kubectl rollout restart deployment/scholarsphere-sidekiq