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Shwitter is a persian clone of twitter. This example shows how to implement a simple micro-service architecture using modern stack. Following is the C4 of the software architecture:

C4 Diagram of Shwitter

Tech Stack



  • React: front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components
  • React-Hook-Form: Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation
  • Yup: Yup is a JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation
  • TailwindCss: A utility-first CSS framework



In this project, we take the schema-first approach, meaning first we create the schema by which back-end and front-end will communicate. Here is the first draft of the schema:

type Query {
  allUsers(data: FilterInputType): AllUsers!
  feed(filter: String, orderBy: [ShweetOrderByInput!], skip: Int, take: Int): Feed!
  me: User

type Mutation {
  deleteShweet(id: Int!): Shweet!
  editProfile(data: ProfileInput!): Profile
  like(shweetId: Int!): LikedShweet
  login(email: String!, password: String!): AuthPayload!
  shweet(content: String!): Shweet!
  signup(email: String!, name: String!, password: String!, username: String!): AuthPayload!
  updateShweet(content: String!, id: Int!): Shweet!

type Feed {
  count: Int!
  shweets: [Shweet!]!

type LikedShweet {
  likedAt: DateTime!
  shweet: Shweet
  shweetId: Int!
  user: User
  userId: Int!

type Profile {
  avatar: String
  bio: String
  createdAt: DateTime
  location: String
  name: String
  userId: Int!
  website: String

type Shweet {
  author: User
  content: String!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  id: Int!
  likedShweet: [LikedShweet!]!
  updatedAt: DateTime!

type User {
  email: String!
  id: Int!
  profile: Profile
  shweets: [Shweet!]!
  username: String!

enum Sort {

Getting started

For development environment


Install latest version of Docker and Docker Compose (Windows users should use WSL!)

  1. First, make sure you provide .env file both for back and front
cp front/env.example front/.env
cp back/env.example back/.env
  1. To fire up the back-end use following command:
docker compose up db back
# use docker-compose if you haven't installed docker compose plugin for docker

This will setup Postgresql database on port 5432 and a GraphQL server on port 4000. Open up this http://localhost:4000 to make sure everything is OK.

  1. Although there is containerized version of the front as well, for smoother experience, I suggest to run it locally. In that case, run the following commands:
# install lts version of yarn in your machine first
yarn install
yarn start

Now you should see the browser staring at http://localhost:3000

optional: To support image upload you need create a cloudinary account and set up unauthorized preset for your cloud path

Project showcase

landing page preview


  • Create CI/CD for the front and back
  • Signup and Login page
  • Adding GraphQL Schema
  • User can change their profile info
  • Connection to cloudinary
  • Users can shwit
  • Unit test for Front
  • Unit test for back


  • HOWTOGRAPHQL: A complete resource for setting up the GraphQL server and client


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.