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Unofficial library to interface with Deciphers the authentication key to access the api.

How to Install?

A. Using Git + pip

  1. Make sure your python version >= 3.10
  2. Download this git repo into your local computer.
  3. Change the directory to NepseUnofficialApi
  4. Install the package
git clone 
cd NepseUnofficialApi
pip3 install .

B. Using pip only(install directly from git)

pip install git+

How to use?

A. API usage

Blocking Nepse API Usage

from nepse import Nepse
nepse = Nepse()
nepse.setTLSVerification(False) #This is temporary, until nepse sorts its ssl certificate problem

Non-Blocking Nepse API Usage (use ipython or similar shell that allows await to be called on root)

from nepse import AsyncNepse 
nepse = AsyncNepse()
nepse.setTLSVerification(False) #This is temporary, until nepse sorts its ssl certificate problem
await nepse.getCompanyList()

B. Cli tool

After installing the package, nepse-cli cmdline tool is available

dev└─ $ nepse-cli --help
usage: nepse-cli [-h] [-v] [--start-server] [--show-status] [--get-floorsheet] [--output-file FILE] [--to-csv] [--hide-progressbar]

cmdline interface to

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -v, --version       displays the version info
  --start-server      starts local server at
  --show-status       dumps Nepse status to the standard output
  --get-floorsheet    dumps Nepse's floorsheet to the standard output
  --output-file FILE  sets the output file for dumping the content
  --to-csv            sets the output format from default[JSON] to CSV
  --hide-progressbar  sets the visibility of progress base to False

To Download the entire floorsheet of the day into file floor.json in JSON format, you can.

nepse-cli --get-floorsheet --output-file floor.json

To Download the entire floorsheet of the day into file floor.csv in CSV format, you can.

nepse-cli --get-floorsheet --to-csv --output-file floor.csv

C. Example

The example folder contains /example/ an implementation of this library. The following runs a local flask server on localhost:8000.

cd example


Running the following command will remove the package from the system.

pip uninstall nepse


  1. [Sep 23, 2024]
    • Floorsheet is downloaded asynchronously from nepse-cli and is now much faster.
      (entire floorsheet for the day can be downloaded in approx. 5-10 seconds)
    • Minimum python version is upgraded from 3.8 to 3.10.
  2. [Jun 24, 2024]
    • Added live-market api-endpoint to nepse-cli (--start-server flag)
  3. [Jun 23, 2024]
    • Merged Async Feature to master branch
    • PR #11 (@iamaakashbasnet) merged to master (enables access to live-market api endpoint)
  4. [Apr 19, 2024]
    • Added Async Feature to Nepse through AsyncNepse class
  5. [Apr 14, 2024]
    • Added new cmd-line flag [--version]
  6. [Apr 11, 2024]
    • Added new cmd-line flag [--to-csv]
    • removed bug on empty argument to nepse-cli
  7. [Apr 10, 2024]
    • Handled httpx.RemoteProtocolError when sending multiple request to nepse's server.
    • Added new cmd-line flags [--get-floorsheet, --output-file]
  8. [Apr 09, 2024]
    • APIs now make use of HTTP2 request to nepse's server
    • Added tool nepse-cli which can be directly used from the terminal after installing the package
  9. [Apr 08, 2024]
  • APIs can now be called without rate limitation or raising Exception (no need to add delay between API calls),
  • Speed Improvement ( getFloorSheet() and getFloorSheetOf() calls are ~3 times faster)
  1. [Apr 07, 2024] getFloorSheet and getFloorSheetOf now works without raising exception
  2. [Apr 05, 2024] Speed Improvement (remove dependency from requests to httpx, http calls are now faster)
  3. [Mar 23, 2024] add to ease installation process.
  4. [Oct 20, 2023] moved api_endpoints, headers, and dummy_data to loadable json file
  5. [Oct 10, 2023] Module(files, folders) restructuring
  6. [Sep 24, 2023] Fixed SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED.
  7. [Sep 24, 2023] Branch 15_feb_2023 is now merged with the master branch.
  8. [Feb 15, 2023] checkout new branch 15_feb_2023 to adjust for new change in Nepse.

Fix Details

Fixed: SSL Error

Recently there was a PR in this repo by @Prabesh01 to merge few changes to fix SSL issue that he was facing.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): 
Max retries exceeded with url: /api/authenticate/prove 
(Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] 
certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1002)')))

The day when I actually received that PR, I too was facing similar issue with Nepse's website, so I thought the issue was serverside and left it as it is.

Fast-forward today, upon diving a little deeper, It appears that the issue can be solved entirely from clientside. But it has nothing to do with code in this repository, it was because my linux distribution(and maybe others too, I haven't checked) doesn't have ca-certificate of Certificate Authority GeoTrust that signs the ssl certificate of Nepse. The mistake is primarily due to Nepse as it means that the certificate chain used by Nepse is incomplete.


  1. Find out the ssl certificate details of Nepse using
  2. Copy the .pem file from the ssllabs and save it into your /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ folder using the following command1.
sudo curl -A "Mozilla Chrome Safari" "" >> geotrust.pem
sudo curl -A "Mozilla Chrome Safari" "" >> geotrust_alt.pem 
  1. and, finally you've to run the following command1 to include the added CA details into the system.
    sudo update-ca-certificates


  1. The command uses root access so first verify before carrying out the operation. 2