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NModAPI Document

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What is NMod?

NMod's full name is Native-NMod.Native-Mod modifies Minecraft with native code(c/c++),so it is called NMod.As we all know,Minecraft(Pocket Edition) is mainly made with c++.To get better modification effects than modpe scripts,why don't you learn to make NMods?
But,NMods isn't easy to make.C++ Programming Language is much more difficult that JavaScript,and native modification methods is hard to understand.The following will tell you how to develop NMods.


  1. C++ Programming Language skills
  2. An Android IDE that supports NDK (Android Studio,Eclipse,AIDE,etc.)
  3. Some skills to build shared native libraries(*.so)
  4. Json Syntax knowledges.

Linked Libraries

Native-Mods links and to perform modifications.Make sure you have linked module substrate and minecraftpe.
(You can view our examples to know how to link these libraries.)

Game Listeners

NModAPI provides some listeners to tell each NMod when the nmod is loaded,the game is started or finished.You only need to define these methods,then NModAPI will invoke them.

  • OnLoad Listener:
    NMod_OnLoad(JavaVM* javaVM,JNIEnv* jniEnv,const char* minecraftVersion,const char* nmodApiVersion,const char* pathOflibminecraftpeso)
    javaVM is a pointer to JavaVM.
    jniEnv is a pointer to JNIEnv.
    minecraftVersion is a c-style string,values installed minecraft version name.
    nmodApiVersion is a c-style string,values NModAPI version name.
    pathOflibminecraftpeso is a c-style string,values's path.You can use dlopen with it: dlopen(pathOflibminecraftpeso,RTLD_LAZY);
  • OnActicityCreate Listener:
    NMod_OnActivityCreate(JNIEnv* env,jobject thiz,jobject savedInstanceState)
    env is a pointer to JNIEnv
    thiz is a jobject.[Lcom/mojang/minecraftpe/MainActivity;]
    savedInstanceState is a jobject.[Landroid/os/Bundle;]
  • OnActivityFinish Listener:
    NMod_OnActivityFinish(JNIEnv* env,jobject thiz)
    env a ppinter to JNIEnv
    thiz is a jobject.[Lcom/mojang/minecraftpe/MainActivity;]

Haven't understand?View our examples!

Modification Methods

After the above steps,how can we modify minecraft?
Substrate Framework provides modification method:MSHookFunction.MSHookFunction can replace default methods defines in with our own methods,and offers a way to invoke default methods.
MSHookFunction requires three arguments:
MSHookFunction( (void*)& DefaultMethod,
(void*)& ReplacementMethod,
(void**)& MethodPointerOfDefaultMethod);
For example,if we want to replace Explosion::explode() in,we can write:

//Define Default Method
class Explosion
        void explode();
//Define Method Pointer
void (*explode_default)(Explosion*);
void explode_replacement(Explosion* self)
    //Do Something
    //If you want to explode properly instead of no explosion,invoke the method pointer.
//Register MSHookFunction in NMod_OnLoad
extern "C" void NMod_OnLoad(JavaVM*,JNIEnv*,const char*,const char*,const char*)
    MSHookFunction( (void*)& Explosion::explode,
                (void*)& explode_replacement,
                (void**)& explode_default);

NMod Manifest

NModAPI read nmod information by reading nmod_manifest.json.
If you want to use nmod json editor or nmod text editor,you can also define edit info in it!

  //Tips : You needn't to define all elements in this json file.
  //NMod name.
  "name" : "My NMod",
  //NMod package name.Must equal to package name defines in AndroidManifest.xml
  "package_name" : "",
  //Author of your NMod.Write your name or your organization name here.
  "author" : "Me or My Company",
  //NMod native libraries.
  "native_libs_info" :
      //native library name:
      //must match your native library name!
      "name" : "",
      //whether the nmod uses nmodapi:
      //use_api must be true if you use game listeners(NMod_OnLoad,NMod_OnActivityCreate,NMod_OnActivityFinish).
      "use_api" : "true"
    //You can even load more libraries...
    //  "name" : "",
    //  "use_api" : false
  //Version Code:
  //Default value is -1.
  "version_code" : 1,
  //Version Name:
  "version_name" : "1.0",

  //Minecraft version
  "minecraft_version_name" : "",
  //Nmod description:
  "description" : "My NMod Description",
  //What's new in this version?Write them in change_log.
  "change_log" : "My NMod Change Log",
  //NMod Banner
  //NMod Banner is a image view showed in main page.
  //Banner title is a text view lays under the image.It's default value is NMod name.
  "banner_title" : "My NMod is the Best!",
  //The file path of banner image in assets.
  //The image must be the size of 1024(width)*500(height)!
  //NModAPI will find assets/my_banner.png in this case.
  "banner_image_path" : "my_banner.png"
  //Assest Text Edit API
  //Text edit can edit text files in minecraftpe assets.
  "text_edit" :
      //path is the text file path in assets.
      //The replacement file and the default file must defines in nmod assets and minecraft assets at the same time.
      //In this case,NModAPI will read assets/resource_packs/vanilla/texts/en_US.lang
      "path" : "resource_packs/vanilla/texts/en_US.lang",
      //There are three kinds of text edit mode: append,prepend,replace.
      //Default value is replace.
      //If you defines a different mode,THE TEXT EDIT WILL NOT WORK!
      //MODE: append: append text after the source text.
      //MODE: prepend: prepend text before the source text.
      //MODE: replace: replace the source text with the new one(text defines in nmod assets).
      //In this case,NModAPI will append the replacement texts after the default texts.
      "mode" : "append"
      "path" : "resource_packs/vanilla/texts/zh_CN.lang",
      "mode" : "append"
  //Assest Json Edit API
  //Json edit can edit json files in minecraftpe assets.
  "json_edit" :
      //path is json file path in assets.
      //The replacement file and the default file must defines in nmod assets and minecraft assets at the same time.
      //In this case,NModAPI will read resource_packs/vanilla/textures/item_texture.json
      "path" : "resource_packs/vanilla/textures/item_texture.json",
      //There are two kinds of json edit mode: merge,replace.
      //Default value is replace.
      //If you defines a different mode,THE TEXT EDIT WILL NOT WORK!
      //MODE: merge: merge the two json files.
      //MODE: replace: replace the source json with the new one(json defines in nmod assets).
      //In this case,NModAPI will merge the two json files into one.
      "mode" : "merge"
    //You can even edit more json...
    //  "path" : "File Path",
    //  "mode" : "replace"

Pack Your NMod!

  • Way 1: Packing into apk. If you pack your nmod into a apk file,it can be installed by android package manager and read by NModAPI.
    In this case,nmod_manifest.json should be put into assets.(assets/nmod_manifest.json).Native Libraries should be packed into lib/CPU_ARCH/.
    Tips: NModAPI only read two kind of CPU_ARCH : armeabi-v7a and x86.
    Tips: NMod installed by Android Package Manager can auto update if you install a new version nmod.So packing into apk is mostly used for developing NMods.
    Warning: package_name defines in nmod_manifest.json must equal to package defines in AndroidManifest.xml!
  • Way 2: Packing into file. Don't like installing apk?You can even pack your NMod into a file!
    This file can be (.apk,.zip,.nmod,.mcnmod).
    In this case,nmod_manifest.json can be put into assets dir or root dir(assets/nmod_manifest.json or nmod_manifest.json).
    Warning: DO NOT put two nmod_manifest.json in different directories!
    Tips: NMod packed into file cannot auto update.So it is mostly used for publishing NMods.

Haven't Understand?


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