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πŸ“š Personal collection of ChatGPT prompts for developers!

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πŸ€– DEV ChatGPT Prompts

Welcome to my personal collection of ChatGPT prompts for developers! πŸ™Œ

This repository contains a list of powerful ChatGPT prompts that can help you get the creative juices flowing. πŸ’‘ Whether you are a beginner or an experienced pro, these prompts can help you think outside the box and find new solutions to problems. πŸš€

The list is divided into categories: [ prompts for coders, students, marketers, and content writers ]. So no matter your profession, there is something here for everyone! 😊 Let’s dive right into these powerful ChatGPT prompts that can help take your creativity to the next level! 🌊

Table of Contents

Prompts for Coders

🚩 Tips

Like many things in life, with GPT-4, you get out what you put in. In this case, providing more context, instructions, and guidance will usually produce better results.

Here are some tips and techniques to improve:

  • Split your prompts: Try breaking your prompts and desired outcome across multiple steps. Keeping prompts to have a single outcome has shown to produce better results than combined prompts. For example, ask for a review, then ask for a refactor based on the review response. This may become less important in time as LLMs increase their token limit.

  • Give Examples: Provide expected inputs, data and outputs to improve accuracy quality. πŸ“

  • Be Specific: Don’t be afraid to list exactly what you want, what you know, what is needed, and what not to include. πŸ”Ž

  • Ask it to Reflect: A technique called reflexion has been shown to increase GPT4’s accuracy. Basically ask it β€˜Why were you wrong?’ or get it to reflect and review its own response. πŸ€”

πŸ”— A multi-prompt approach (prompt chaining)

can be used to update, refactor, and review a piece of code. A well-designed set of prompts is one where each has separated concerns and singular responsibilities.

1. Modernize and add best practices

by getting GPT-4 to re-write your code into the style you want. This step will generally result in coherent output, in the style you want, but may introduce errors, so we do it first.


Review the following code and re-write it to modern es6 programming standards and formatting:

[insert code here]

2. Review your code for logical errors and security concerns

Get recommendations to improve any logical or security concerns introduced. It’s important that we don’t ask for a refactor, just the reasoning behind wanting the refactor.


Review your provided code 'tempFunction' for any logical or security concerns and provide a list of recommendations.

3. Validate the recommendations (reflexion)

Validate the provided recommendations. Reflexion is a powerful technique to improve the accuracy of the initial recommendations and try to eliminate any hallucinations. This is not always required but it is worth asking if you are unsure about any recommendations.


Review your above recommendations. Tell me why you were wrong and if any recommendations were overlooked or incorrectly added?

4. Write the Code

Combine your reviews, recommendations and feedback to get GPT-4 to write your new function.


Re-write the 'tempFunction' function based off your review and recommendations.

5. Create Tests

Create some simple tests that we can run locally and validate the results


Create two [ define technology ] tests for the above 'tempFunction' function. One that is expected to pass and one that is expected to fail.

Re-write Prompt

Let's see if we can get GPT4 to make or average prompts and turn them into "voyage inspirant" type mastery prompts.


[your prompt]

Re-write the above text to be more verbose and include a lot of superfluous description about each thing, use very painting language.

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ChatGPT prompt optimizer


I'll provide a chatGPT prompt. You'll ask questions to understand the audience and goals, then optimize the prompt for effectiveness and relevance using the principle of specificity.

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Ask for alternatives

If you're not satisfied with your solution you can ask to ChatGPT to give you alternatives


I'll provide you with a piece of code that I made and 
I need you give me alternatives to do the same in other way:


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Documentation / Explaination

πŸ“£ Adding Documentation


Adding documentation requires creating clear and comprehensive explanations of a module’s purpose, design, and implementation.

Prompt 1#:

I don't know how to code, but I want to understand how this works. Explain the following code to me in a way that a non-technical person can understand. Always use Markdown with nice formatting to make it easier to follow. Organize it by sections with headers. Include references to the code as markdown code blocks in each section. The code:

[insert code here]

Prompt 2#:

Please add comprehensive documentation for [file or module name], including clear and concise explanations of its purpose, design, and implementation. Consider including examples of how to use the module, as well as any relevant diagrams or flow charts to help illustrate its workings. Ensure that the documentation is easily accessible to other developers and is updated as the module evolves. Consider using documentation tools such as inline comments, markdown files, or a documentation generator to simplify the process.

[insert code here]

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πŸ“£ Write your terms and conditions


Create terms and services for my website about an [AI tool] called [name].

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πŸ“£ Produce cheat sheets


Write a cheat sheet for [markdown formatting].

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πŸ“£ Generate Readme Files


Generate documentation for the code below. You should include detailed instructions to allow a developer to run it on a local machine, explain what the code does, and list vulnerabilities that exist in this code.

[enter code]

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πŸ“£ Write detailed blogs


Write a detailed blog on How to build a [COVID tracker] using React with proper structuring of code.

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πŸ“£ Explain Code


Don't spend time trying to figure out how code works, just ask ChatGPT to explain it to you


Context: I'm starting a new position as backend developer and I have to start to understand how some functions are working
You have to: explain me the code line by line


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πŸ“£ Architecture Diagram (Mermaid)


Create a diagram of your architecture using Mermaid


Write the Mermaid code for an architecture diagram for this solution [DESCRIBE SOLUTION]


  graph TD;
  A[Client] -->|HTTP Request| B(API Gateway);
  B -->|HTTP Request| C[Service 1];
  B -->|HTTP Request| D[Service 2];
  C -->|Database Query| E[Database];
  D -->|Database Query| E;

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πŸ“£ Entity Relationship Diagram (Mermaid)


Create an entity relationship diagram using Mermaid


Write the Mermaid code for an entity relationship diagram for these classes [INSERT CLASSES]

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Code Refactoring

πŸ“£ Refactor Code


Ask to ChatGPT to refactor your code


I have a piece of code and I need you do a refactor of it:


Refactoring code is an essential process in software development that aims to improve the quality, readability, and maintainability of existing code without altering its functionality. Refactoring can enhance code efficiency, reduce errors, and make it easier to modify or extend in the future. With ChatGPT’s help, you can effectively refactor your code and achieve a better code structure.

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πŸ“£ Modernizing Old Code


By providing your old function to GPT-4 and asking it to refactor it to modern coding practices, you can quickly modernize your code.


Refactor the following code to modern es6 programming standards:


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πŸ“£ Code in to Multiple Methods


If you have a long function that is doing too much, you can ask GPT-4 to refactor it into multiple methods.


Refactor the following code into multiple methods to improve readability and maintainability:


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πŸ“£ Better Performance


If you have a function that is taking too long to run, you can ask GPT-4 to refactor it to improve performance.


Refactor the following code to improve performance:


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πŸ“£ Adding a Parameter to a Function


Add a parameter to this function to do [FUNCTIONALITY]


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πŸ“£ Adding Coding Best Practices or Principles


Let ChatGPT rewrite the code for you according to style guidelines.


Rewrite the code below following the Google style guidelines for javascript.


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πŸ“£ Follow coding style guidelines


If your organization or code base uses specific coding practices and styles that you want to maintain, you can provide instructions to GPT-4 on which particular coding practice or style you’d like it to focus on.


Review the following code and refactor it to make it more DRY and adopt the SOLID programming principles.


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πŸ“£ Detecting and Fixing Errors


Sometimes we are unaware of the vulnerabilities or potential issues our code can create. Having GPT-4 review and address code issues can save you more than just time.

Prompt 1#:

Review this code for errors and refactor to fix any issues:


Prompt 2#:

I'm developing software in [INSERT YOUR TECHNOLOGIES HERE] and I need you help me to find and
fix all the errors in my code, following the best practices. I'll provide you my code
and you'll give me the code with all the corrections explained line by line

Prompt 3#:

I wrote this code [CODE] I got this error [ERROR] How can I fix it? or What does this error mean?

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πŸ“£ Debug a React component


This process typically involves identifying the source of the error, understanding the issue, and implementing a solution to resolve the issue


Please find and fix the bug in the [component name] component that is causing [describe the issue].


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πŸ“£ Create Unit Tests


Unit tests are automated tests that check the behavior of individual units of code in isolation. They help catch bugs early and make it easier to maintain the code.

Prompt 1#:

Please write unit tests for [file or module name] to ensure its proper functioning

[insert code here]

Prompt 2#:

Create 2 unit tests for the provided code. One for a successful condition and one for failure.

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πŸ“£ Transpiling Code


There are many reasons why you may need to convert code from one language to another. For example, you may have found a repository with code for one language that you need in another, you’re moving code bases, or maybe your boss read an article on the latest front-end framework and now you’re moving to a divisive new library.


Rewrite the following code in Rust:


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πŸ“£ Responsive Design


Responsive design adapts a website to different screen sizes and devices, using flexible layouts, images, and CSS media queries. It aims to provide a good viewing experience for all users


RPlease implement responsive design for the [component name] component to ensure that it looks and functions correctly on different screen sizes and devices. Consider using [responsive design technique or library] to achieve this.

[insert code here]

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πŸ“£ Internationalization


Internationalization, also known as i18n, is the process of designing a software application to be able to support multiple languages and regional differences


Please implement internationalization for the [component name] component to ensure that it can be used by users in multiple languages. Consider using [internationalization library or technique] to achieve this.

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πŸ“£ Add comments to code


If your code is self-explanatory but requires commenting, this can be a huge time-saver.


Add comments to the following code:


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Code Generation

πŸ“£ Create Functions


Provide context of your software and ask directly for creating functions you need for your software


Context: I'm creating a software to manage projects

Technologies: Go, PostgreSQL

Description: It's a function that let me find users by its email or username.

You have to: create the function for me

Also you can add in the description what you expect to receive from your function. If you already have an structure for the User, specify it, for example:


Context: I'm creating a software to manage projects

Technologies: Go, PostgreSQL

Description: It's a function that let me find users by its email or username and returns the structure type "Member"

You have to: create the function for me

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πŸ“£ Generate a Dockerfile


A prompt to generate a Dockerfile for a specific framework.


Write a Dockerfile for:


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πŸ“£ Write a RegEx


Write a regular expression that matches / Write a RegEx pattern for:


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πŸ“£ Create a Class


Create a [PLATFORM] class from this JSON object


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πŸ“£ Add Functionality


I need a piece of code in [INSERT YOUR TECHNOLOGIES HERE] to implement [real-time communication]

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πŸ“£ Create Boilerplate Code


Starting new projects can be painful. While GPT-4 doesn’t know your business logic, it can be used to generate boilerplate code. This isn’t technically refactoring, but it’s amazing and can be part of the programming lifecycle process.


Write me a boilerplate Node.js function that will take a variable of type User, validate that the user has the right permissions, fetch an array of item type Posts from a postgres database and return them. Leave comments for business logic.

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πŸ“£ You are a world-class software engineer


In this clip I show you how to drastically improve ChatGPT’s outputs for software generation.


You are a world-class software engineer.

I need you to draft a technical software spec for building the following:

Think through how you would build it step by step.

Then, respond with the complete spec as a well-organized markdown file.

I will then reply with "build," and you will proceed to implement the exact spec, writing all of the code needed. I will periodically interject with "continue" to >prompt you to keep going. Continue until complete.

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Code Review

πŸ“£ Error Hendling


How can I improve the error handling in my [LANGUAGE] code? [CODE]

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πŸ“£ Suggest Improvements


I'm working on a [LANGUAGE] project and I need you to review my code and suggest improvements. [CODE]

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Product Service Promotion

πŸ“£ Generate innovative product ideas


Brainstorm creative and unique product ideas for [insert industry or market]. 

Focus on solving customer pain points and providing exceptional value.

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πŸ“£ Develop a unique value proposition


Help me articulate a unique value proposition for my [insert product or service].

Explain how this proposition differentiates my offering and appeals to my target audience.

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πŸ“£ Master the art of storytelling for marketing


Teach me storytelling techniques for creating compelling marketing content to promote [insert product or service].

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πŸ“£ Create a successful referral program


Design a referral program for [insert business] that incentivizes customers to share and recommend our products or services.

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πŸ“£ Master the art of upselling and cross-selling


Teach me effective upselling and cross-selling techniques to increase revenue and customer satisfaction in [insert business context].

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πŸ“£ Create a viral marketing campaign


Design a creative and attention-grabbing marketing campaign for [insert product or service] with the potential to go viral.

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πŸ“£ Develop a powerful elevator pitch


[Insert a brief description of your product, service, or company].

Help me create a concise and compelling elevator pitch that will effectively communicate the value of my offering.

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πŸ“£ Create an actionable marketing plan


Develop a marketing plan for [insert product or service]. 

Include objectives, target audience, marketing channels, and tactics for reaching my desired audience and driving sales.

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πŸ“£ Leverage content marketing for lead generation


Develop a content marketing strategy for [insert business] to attract, engage, and convert leads into customers.

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πŸ“š Tools