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emezeske edited this page May 17, 2012 · 3 revisions

We recommend using lein-cljsbuild over using the ClojureScript compiler directly.

If you'd like to work against ClojureScript master, make a checkouts directory in your project and clone the ClojureScript repository into it. Then modify your project.clj to look something like this:

(defproject foo "0.0.0" 
  :description "Foobar"
  :extra-classpath-dirs ["checkouts/clojurescript/src/clj"
  :dev-dependencies [[lein-cljsbuild "0.1.10"]]
  :cljsbuild {:builds {:release {:source-path "src"
                                 :compiler {:optimizations :advanced
                                            :output-to "main.js"}}}})
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