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course_os test suite

Course OS

This is a 'toy' kernel created by students from multiple universities. Currently it is mainly developed by students of the TU Delft. It is targeted to run on the raspberry pi zero, b+ and 2.


Build parameters


One option to run the project is to make use of the Docker image. To do so you first need to download Docker and Docker Compose for your operating system, after which you can run the follow commands to build and start the container:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

After this you can choose to open the shell to the container by running:

docker-compose run raspberry

After that you can follow the instructions starting at Running

You can find the directory with the built kernel at:/var/lib/docker/course_os_kernel/_data To run the kernel you can use the command:

qemu-system-arm -kernel kernel.elf -m 1G -serial stdio -monitor none -M raspi2 -cpu cortex-a7 -nographic -append "-load 0x410000 0x14000" -semihosting


To build and run the project, you will need a cross compiler. Since the kernel is made to run on ARM, the compiler has to output ARM instructions.

To build the c toolchain for ARM, and qemu-system-arm version 4.20, run

make requirements

from the root project directory. We build qemu-system-arm from source as this gives us better support for attaching debuggers. Any up to date version of qemu-system-arm should work and if you already have this installed through your package manager, just running

make toolchain

should be sufficient.


After you built the toolchain, the kernel can be ran with:

make run

from the root project directory, or from the kernel directory.

Running tests

To run the test suite for the kernel, execute:

make test

from the root project directory, or from the kernel directory.


To debug the kernel, you have to perform two steps. First you have to build and start the kernel with

make debug

from the kernel directory. This prepares qemu so it waits for a debugger to be attached.

now, if you have CLion or VSCode you can run the supplied run configuration called debug which attaches a debugger, loads the sourcemap and runs the kernel. Now you can create breakpoints from within your IDE.

If however you don't have either of those IDEs, or want to use gdb from a terminal, one can run the following command from the kernel directory:

make start_debug

Creating tests

To create tests for the kernel, please read this file.



To open this project in CLion, you can simply create a new c project with the supplied CMakeLists.txt file. This file can not be used to actually run the kernel but it does give clion the right instructions to make code completion etc. work.

Vim + CCLS

To generate the required compile_commands.json so that CCLS correctly index the project. You have to do the following:

First, generate the file using cmake:


Then, copy the file to the root folder:

cp Debug/compile_commands.json .

Afterwards you can remove the Debug folder with:

rm -rf Debug

Now Vim and CCLS will correctly know how to index the project.