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Transfeminine Science (Chinese Translations from Project Trans)

English Introduction

欢迎来到 Project Trans 附属的“女性倾向跨性别者科学”(Transfeminine Science)中文译本存档站。原文由一群非相关专业出身、却热情洋溢的多国跨性别人士所作,旨在为女性化激素治疗提供力所能及的指引,行文严谨、讨论细致、引经据典,具有相当的可信度。本项目则旨在忠实转达这些文章的内容和观点,以资参考。

为便于翻阅、减少翻译工作量,本站译者会从上百篇原文当中精心挑选一部分进行翻译;同时,边翻译边学习,促进 内容的完善。因此,本站内容可视作对 药物板块的先行或拓展参考。
由于原文内容随时会修订,而本站译者不一定有时间与精力实时跟进;因此,译文修订间隔暂定为 3 - 12 个月。如有不便,敬请谅解。



本项目已得到 Transfeminine Science 的维护者兼撰稿人:Aly 的二次创作许可。
本项目基于 tfsci-sc/articles 项目的早前工作而建。没有 ta 们的先行,就没有如今的这个项目。

本站目前以 Hugo 构建,并部署于 Cloudflare Pages


如有任何对本站及诸译文的改进建议、勘误等,或希望投递未翻译文章的译文,可发送邮件至专用邮箱 [email protected];不过,涉及到原文观点的应向 Transfeminine Science 的撰稿人直接反馈。
此外,还可通过提交 Pull Request 对译文、简繁术语对照表等进行改进。



本站译文适用于 Transfeminine Science 的版权声明(原文):

本站版权归 Aly 及本站其他撰稿人所有;保留一切权利。未经 Aly 允许,读者不得对本站内容进行二次创作(如翻译项目)。如已获得二次创作许可,请准确署名,并设置指向本站原文的链接。

此外,本站设计元素与其它补充内容的版权归 Project Trans 团体所有,并遵守 Creative Commons 署名-相同方式演绎 4.0 许可协议。

注意: 本站分类为“杂项”(Misc.)的文章与 Transfeminine Science 无关。Project Trans 团体迄今未翻译任何来自原站的“杂项”类内容,且尚无任何此类内容的引进计划。


We extend a warm welcome to the Archive Repository of Chinese Translations on the Transfeminine Science website, provided to you by the community-based Project Trans. The original articles, authored by non-professional yet dedicated transgender scholars from various countries, provide valuable knowledge on feminizing hormone therapy, including highly reliable causal analysis, detailed discussions, and extensive references.

Our goal is to accurately and fluently bring these invaluable contents to Chinese readers for their reference. To improve the translation experience and minimize the workload, the Translators will carefully select a subset of original articles to translate, supplementing the information on Therefore, this site serves as a reference or a pilot discussion for the topic of medical transition on

Note that the original articles in English might be revised by their authors at any time, and the Translators may have limited time to track such changes. Hence, the interval of full revision on translations has been determined to be approximately 3 - 12 months. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by outdated content.

We provide a Traditional Chinese copy as an addditional option. However, please note that it was implemented using an automatic script and may not fully comply with language conventions in Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan.


We express our gratitude to Aly, the maintainer and one of the authors of Transfeminine Science, for granting permission for this project. We also acknowledge the invaluable contribution of contributors from the previous translating project tfsci-sc/articles; without their hard work, this project may not have been established.

The archive site is built with Hugo, and deployed onto Cloudflare Pages.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us via e-mail at [email protected] for any advice, errata, or new translation requests for other articles. However, for any discussion on ideas from the articles, please contact their corresponding authors instead. We welcome pull requests as well.

Before making new translations, please refer to the Guidelines for instructions and examples that would help you enhance the quality and readability of translations. However, these guidelines are not compulsory, and we would make suggestions as detailed as we could on your translations (unless those written too poorly to be qualified).


All translations on this site comply with the License from Transfeminine Science. The graphs and other supplementary materials of this site are copyrighted by Project Trans and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Version 4.0.

Disclaimer: The translations categorized in Miscellaneous (杂项) are NOT affiliated with Transfeminine Science. We have not translated any of the contents from the Misc. section on Transfeminine Science, and we have no plans on their adaptions.