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130 lines (105 loc) · 6.88 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (105 loc) · 6.88 KB


  • Add salmon.util/pages-seq for handling paginated responses.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/deregister-all-amis! for cleaning up AMIs in test accounts.
  • Add salmon.cleanup/delete-orphaned-snapshots! for cleaning up snapshots in test accounts.

v0.19.0 (2024-09-16)

  • Fix a case where ExceptionInfos generated from aws-api invocations were missing a message. This could happen when the error occurred before making a request to AWS, such as when aws-api cannot find valid credentials.

v0.18.0 (2024-08-22)

  • Fix error that occurred when a stack in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state was started with no changes requested. This will now succeed with no errors.
  • (potentially breaking) Upgrade to clojure 1.12.0-rc1 from 1.12.0-alpha5.

v0.17.0 (2024-05-03)

  • Improve error messages when a stack is in a rollback state by adding the event that caused the failure.
  • Fix "Updating stack" log message was missing the stack name

v0.16.0 (2024-04-11)

  • Add logging messages when creating, updating, or deleting a stack, and when waiting for a stack to enter a new state.
  • (breaking) When a CloudFormation stack fails during creation, it enters the ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Previously, salmon would fail during stack start when the named stack is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE status. Now salmon deletes the stack and creates a new stack with the same name.
  • Upgrade deps

v0.15.0 (2024-02-24)

  • Remove private salmon.construct code. This code has been moved to the salmon.construct repo.
    • Remove io.staticweb/cloudformation-templating dependency.
  • Fix salmon.test/bucket-name-schema should prohibit dashes next to periods.
  • (breaking) Throw an exception if a stack enters a rollback status when updating it. This condition previously did not throw and behaved the same as a successful update.
  • Cloudformation stack delete will now wait on the stack to exit IN_PROGRESS states before attempting to delete. Previously, the delete would fail.
  • (breaking) Remove use of ->error, ->info, and ->validate since donut.system has removed them. Replace with and exceptions.
    • Add as a direct dependency.
  • (breaking) Remove salmon.signal/signal!, delete!, early-validate!, start!, and start!. They are no longer needed due to the removal of ->error, ->info, and ->validate.
  • Fix an issue where the :lint? stack option was ignored.

v0.14.0 (2024-01-16)

  • (breaking) Rename salmon.cleanup/delete-all! to delete-all-stacks! and add required argument :regions.
  • Add salmon.resource.certificate/dns-validated. This creates a resource that defines an automatically-validated AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate.
  • Add salmon.construct.static-site.simple. This provides a single high-performance static website backed by S3 and CloudFront. Note: This is not stable and can only be accessed via a private var.
    • Add io.staticweb/cloudformation-templating as a dependency.
  • When a CloudFormation stack is in an IN_PROGRESS state and a start or delete signal is attempted, stacks would previously return an error. They now wait for a COMPLETE state before trying to apply the signal again.
  • Add salmon.util functions ->ex-info and invoke! for calls to the AWS API that should throw exceptions on failure.
  • Fix pagination of stack resources not working.
  • Fix salmon.util functions aws-error-code and aws-error-message parsing of errors found in (-> response :Response :Errors) rather than (-> response :ErrorResponse).
  • Add salmon.ec2/list-orphaned-snapshots to list snapshots that can safely be deleted.
    • Add as a dependency.
  • Add salmon.uberjar namespace for building deployable uberjars.
    • Add io.github.clojure/ as a dependency.
  • Add salmon.ssm namespace for AWS Systems Manager operations. This is currently used to fetch the Debian AMI IDs used in tests.
    • Add as a dependency.
  • Add salmon.packer namespace for building AMIs.
    • Require Clojure version 1.12.0-alpha5 so that the new namespace can be used. This is preferable to adding a new dependency.
    • Add org.clojure/data.csv as a dependency.

v0.13.0 (2023-11-04)

  • Add salmon.util functions full-name, tags, and resource. These are useful when building CloudFormation templates.
  • Add :tags option to stack for defining stack-level tags.
  • Add :tags and :tags-raw maps to stack and stack-properties instances.
  • Upgrade to party.donut/system 0.0.218.
  • Fix a case where hosted zone "matches" returned by AWS don't necessarily match the query.
  • Add salmon.s3/upload! for uploading to a bucket.
    • Add as a dependency.

v0.12.0 (2023-11-01)

  • Add :client and :region options to stack and stack-properties components.
  • Move anomaly?, aws-error-code, and aws-message-fns to salmon.util and make them public.
  • Add salmon.route53/fetch-hosted-zone-id as a simple way to look up which hosted zone id to attach RecordSets and RecordSetGroups to.
    • Add as a dependency.
  • Upgrade to party.donut/system 0.0.215.

v0.11.0 (2023-08-01)

  • (breaking) Change the format of a stack's :resources from a seq to a map with each resource's LogicalResourceId as keys. This allows individual resources to be the target of donut.system refs. (e.g., (ds/local-ref [:MyStack :resources :MyBucket :PhysicalResourceId]))
  • Handle custom resolution fns via :donut.system/resolve-refs. Custom resolution fns will prevent early validation.

v0.10.1 (2023-07-29)

  • Fix incorrect resolution of local-refs (again).

v0.10.0 (2023-07-28)

  • Fix incorrect resolution of local-refs.
  • (breaking) salmon.validation/resolve-refs now takes a referencing-component-id argument so that it can handle local-refs.
  • Add :parameters and :parameters-raw maps to stack and stack-properties instances.
  • Add :describe-stack-raw to stack and stack-properties instances. This provides access to the raw DescribeStack response.
  • Fix missing part of error message in salmon.signal fns.

v0.9.0 (2023-07-08)

  • Fix a bug in salmon.signal/early-validate-conf that caused it to fail early-schema validation with newer versions of donut.system.
  • Update donut.system dependency from club.donutpower/system 0.0.165 to party.donut/system 0.0.203.
  • Handle non-string error and validation messages in salmon.signal/signal!
  • Show a humanized error message for early-schema validation errors
  • Allow donut.system local-refs in component configs
  • (breaking) salmon.validation/refs-resolveable? now takes a component-id argument so that it can handle local-refs.
  • Add :name to stack instance.
  • Add salmon.cloudformation/stack-properties to create a component that retrieves the properties of an existing CloudFormation stack. Properties include resources and outputs.