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Sentinel dVPN node on Akash Network

About Node and Sentinel dVPN

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: "Everyone has the right ... to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Today, many states are trying to hide from users "objectionable" information in their opinion. Unfortunately, from such a policy, people are deprived of the most important part of their rights and freedoms. The right to seek, consume and disseminate information today is not only a matter of entertainment content, but also a matter of education, freedom of thought and, of course, security.

Sentinel dVPN offers users to deploy dVPN servers around the world, united in a decentralized network. dVPN node owners are rewarded in dvpn tokens for every gigabyte passed through their node. Users of the Sentinel dVPN client side can choose among the nodes - which one they can connect to, which suits them in terms of information transfer speed, geographic location and, of course, price. This instruction covers the launch of the server part - Sentinel dVPN nodes.


Attention! Cloudmos is now used as Akash Console! The usual interface with a new name!

To deploy a node, in this tutorial, I will use the Akash Console Web interface. How to work with it is described in this document.

  1. Create a separate account in Keplr for the dVPN node.
  2. Encrypt the mnemonic phrase of the new account using BASE64, this can be done using the application Notepad++ (Plugins-MIME Tools-Base64 Encode ) or any secure online Base64 encoder.
  3. Top up your created dVPN account with at least 1500dvpn to pay for gas. You can buy dvpn on exchanges like OSMOSIS or KUCOIN.

Node deployment

Open WEB interface Akash Console.

Make sure you have more than 0.5 AKT on your balance and certificate present (if not, refer to Console instructions). Next, click the DEPLOY button, select the empty Empty template and copy the contents of deploy.yml there .

The Sentinel dVPN node requires a dedicated IP address and static external ports, for this you need to make small changes to the manifest (deploy.yml), namely, replace your_endpoint_name in the endpoints and expose sections with a unique name (Latin lowercase characters only!)

Also, fill in the variables with your data:

  • MNEMONIC_BASE64 - Mnemonic phrase from a previously created sentinel account, encrypted with BASE64
  • MONIKER - The name of your node, make it unique.
  • IPV4_ADDRESS - leave blank for now.

If you want to change LISTEN_PORT or REMOTE_PORT - don't forget to make the changes in the corresponding paragraphs of the EXPOSE section as well. Also, for advanced users, created a list of available variables with a short description.

Pay attention to the correct filling of the variables, they must be INSIDE the quotes, for example:
"MONIKER=dVPN on Akash Network v2RAY"

We don't know what IPv4 address we'll be assigned before we start the deployment, so we'll start the deployment with an empty IPV4_ADDRESS. We will fill it in as soon as we get the IPv4 address from the provider and update our deployment.
It's time to ask for current offerings in the computing power market. We press CREATE DEPLOYMENT, confirm the transaction (0.5 AKT will be frozen) and wait for offers from providers.

As you can see, there were 3 providers available in total, ready to provide computing power with the static IP function. I chose the cheapest one and continued deploy.
In the logs, we can see the IPv4 address assigned to us. It also appears on the LEASES tab of our deployment. All we have to do is copy it, paste it into our manifest (deploy.yml) on the UPDATE page and update the deployment.
Here's what it looks like:

Deployment takes about 2 minutes. Then the dVPN node will start working.

Example of correct working logs:
Also, if you open your sentinel address in Explorer, you can see that there are transactions to update the status of your dVPN node.
This completes the installation!

Thank you for using Akash Network!